About Us

Background of quanahparkerday.com

Background of Quanah Parker Day

Quanah Parker Day has been designated in Texas as the second Saturday in September from 2019-2029. The first observance will be September 14, 2019. This was adopted in the 2019 Texas Legislative Session through Texas Senate Concurrent Resolution 7, and signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott on June 10, 2019.

Why This Website Exists

This website is a project of My Comancheria Institute, an educational nonprofit that documents and preserves the various native and immigrant cultures and histories intertwined in historic Comancheria. We inform, engage, and mobilize all ages to take actions, raise funds, and participate in events and curricula that celebrate and communicate these cultures everywhere.

The story of Cynthia Ann Parker and her son, Quanah -- her complete adaptation to the Comanche culture after her capture by Comanches at age 9, and his resolve to lead his people to the reservation and adjust to life beyond the reservation -- is one that fascinates many people. It was also the catalyst for the formation of My Comancheria Institute. We started by filming oral history interviews with some descendants of Cynthia Ann Parker and her son Quanah. That quickly expanded to others, all with stories to tell -- Comanche, Kiowa, and multiple other cultures -- descendants of tribes who hunted Comancheria, warriors from all sides who fought the battles, and settlers who fenced that challenging terrain.

We soon realized that Comancheria needed more than just oral history. Residents of Comancheria today are of intertwined cultural backgrounds. They both share and are inspired by the grit, power, and passion for life of the civilizations that clashed. Our goal is to convey an understanding of the Comancheria past for local and worldwide audiences intrigued by the vibrant tales of Comancheria, then and now, from multiple angles. We are currently writing curriculum and building local chapters.

Now that Texas has proclaimed Quanah Parker Day, this website is a tool for education and communication. We want to hear about your local events, and help publicize them. Use the information here with your classes and students. If you are interested in learning more about My Comancheria Institute, please contact us.